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Pastoral Care 4 U is a spiritual journey where

life and faith come together.


Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


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I was recently featured on the

Love Thy Neighborhood podcast! Check out

my full interview by clicking the button below! 

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Mountain with trees covered in heavy fog

Spiritual Companionship (Direction) involves an experiential awareness of God's presence that leads to conversation, communion, and ultimately, the authentic transformation of the entire person by an internal yielding to His presence. David Benner.  

- David Benner

Lake surrounded by trees with mountains in the background

Spiritual theology is simply theology lived. A great deal of theology has to do with doctrine, with getting it right. Spiritual theology aims to bring that together within a lived life. The conviction behind spiritual theology is that the Bible—and all of Christian belief—is livable. It’s not just something to be held in your head or performed through your actions and ethics, but actually embodied. The model for spiritual theology is the incarnation, and spiritual theology is understood in the context of the Trinity, where everything is relational. There is no disembodied Christian truth. There’s no abstraction about the Christian life. It is all intended to be lived in a coherent way.  


- Eugene Peterson

May I Introduce Myself To You?

Rob Schettler, M.Div, BCC,
Master’s in Pastoral Care and Counseling Board Certified Chaplain

Certified Spiritual Companion

Member of Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association
and adheres to the Code of Ethics with ESDA.

I have been with my bride for thirty-six years. We have a son, daughter, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. I have recently finished a four-month sabbatical, following twenty-four years as a chaplain and several years as a pastor. I was a hospice chaplain for sixteen years and served as chaplain/coordinator in a local hospital for eight years. I pastored several churches along my journey. God has been faithful to speak, lead, and encourage others and me through the many terrains of life.


Jesus has shepherded me across fields and to mountain tops, full of vistas and invitations for fifty-seven years. This adventurous journey continues. Sitting with others on their journey is one of life’s greatest joys. I enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, cycling, social gatherings, Henry my Bernedoodle, journaling, nature, and great books.

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Headshot photo of Rob Schettler, M.Div, BCC, Certified Spiritual Director/Companion
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Let's Journey Together


We can meet at my office, via Zoom, or at a local coffee shop.                                      

My office is located in 

Sojourn Community Church


2023 Ekin Ave.

New Albany, IN 



Our thirty-minute consultation visit is complimentary. If we journey together, I charge seventy-five dollars per 60-minute session. We can discuss arrangements if that is not affordable for you.


Most individuals choose bi-weekly or monthly sessions based on their desire.  You determine the rhythm of visits.


© 2023 by Pastoral Care 4 U

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