This word jumped off my phone during a devotional and then appeared again while reading about the spiritual discipline of “service.” Beckon is defined as an arm or hand gesture to come closer or nearer. I sure like the word, it’s not one you hear anymore. As I have been writing on discernment and listening to God’s leading, I realize His voice and His movement in our lives is Him “beckoning” us to come closer.
To understand this a little deeper, I thought about the people in my life to whom I give hand gestures (so to speak) for them to come closer. It’s those I love. It is people who bring me joy. It is those who grant me space to be myself freely or inspire me. ‘Does Jesus love me that much to beckon me to come closer? Does He take joy in me and smile towards me when I am seen by Him?’ I believe the answer is a resounding yes to both, He created me.
Being closer to Christ gives steadiness to my life, a peaceful sense of being, with a settled joy in a direction in my living. He invites me/us closer.
I always imagined Jesus walking past His soon-to-be disciples saying, ‘follow me” with a hand gesture. I am not sure this is the case but it’s easy for me to imagine. Later, He takes a towel to wash His disciple’s feet and says, “as your Lord and Teacher have done this so you do to one another.” Paul says, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”
When I see these beckonings from the scriptures as a better way for me to live…it feels more attractive, rather than a requirement to do. God is about me/us being, and “doing” naturally follows from who He created me to be – His sheep hear his voice, and he calls his sheep by name and leads them, beckoning them to come close. This beckoning is not a harsh stern presence but is a gentle and humble way of inviting us to learn from Him.
Christianity is a pilgrimage of listening and following the One we call, Lord. He is our way. Faith is following His heart, hearing His voice (He is our Truth), and beckoning from our Lord to draw near. He is our Life.
To cognitively believe these truths are easy for us but it is another thing to walk in them. In life it is so easy for us to take Jesus with us, so to speak but living life in lieu of His daily invitations takes intention.
Pause for a moment…
How is He beckoning you?
Let’s chat!