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Spiritual Companionship

Writer's picture: Rob SchettlerRob Schettler

As 2024 begins, I thought about how much this last year has meant to me. I have had a beautiful opportunity to sit with others and journey alongside many about their faith and life. It's been a joy, and I look forward to how this next year unfolds, with unseen doors to walk through, new relationships to establish, and other endeavors caring for others. Joy!

Many have asked me this last year about Spiritual Companionship, what it is, what it's for, and who should consider being a part of it. As one pastor told me, "You are in a lane all by yourself."

Spiritual Companionship is derived from the term Spiritual Direction. Not many directors like the "direction" terminology, and I don't. Spiritual Companionship is coming alongside some to discern how their faith leads them and where they find themselves. Spiritual Companionship dates back to the church's early years. Much has changed since then. In a previous blog, I mentioned that my work as a chaplain has informed me of the need to be present with others to process life and faith. So, I created a space where people can process openly and freely. After Covid, we have become a society of isolation for the most part. We can do almost everything from home, including Spiritual Companionship.

Tozer said, 'What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.' I believe this wholeheartedly about my life and the lives of others. How we live, treat others, and function stems all from here. It is the most critical rhythm in our lives; however, it is so easy to slip into a place of just existence and go through the motions of our lives without much consideration or reflection. Doesn't it make sense to create a place to freely process this with another without being fixed, corrected, or judged? It's about paying attention to what God is doing in another's life and redirecting all our lives toward Him. He is our closest Companion. My journey with my spiritual Companion has changed the trajectory of my life from the inside out.

Meetings with a spiritual companion may include:

  • To grow in communication with God in everyday life

  • To discover God's invitation amid difficulties

  • To explore our anger and disappointments with God

  • To grow in awareness of the sacredness of ordinary life

  • To be open with God with our feelings, doubts, and questions

  • To grow to be more like Christ and cultivate the fruits of His Spirit

  • To move from a preoccupation of sinfulness to a grace-filled life of love and service

I write these as possibilities in a session, but the conversation starts with you as we journey with God. This Companionship is designed to assist others in hearing what God is saying to them and how to respond from who they are, with all their gifts, relationships, and stories. It is where God's story meets our story, and we grow from there.

His sheep hear his voice, and he calls them by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice... John 10

If this seems attractive to you and you want to explore this as a possible support for your life, my consultations are free to see if this fits you. If you decide that this supports you, you determine the rhythm of your visits. I provide a sliding scale if the session costs more than you can afford, and we can discuss this at that consultation. To start, go to my website and schedule your first visit.

2024 is a new season for us all; we are never alone. God is closer than the air we breathe. The One who loves you the most, who knows your complete story, desires closeness with each of us.

May His blessings, peace, and warm comfort rest on you in 2024.



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Taking God seriously and as very present, active and caring is so critical when we humans so often talk about rather than with God.

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We can meet at my office, via Zoom, or at a local coffee shop.                                      

My office is located in 

Sojourn Community Church


2023 Ekin Ave.

New Albany, IN 



Our thirty-minute consultation visit is complimentary. If we journey together, I charge seventy-five dollars per 60-minute session. We can discuss arrangements if that is not affordable for you.


Most individuals choose bi-weekly or monthly sessions based on their desire.  You determine the rhythm of visits.


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