This reality became real to me after a very dear person was in an accident where the car rolled three times. After receiving the most frightening phone call one could receive and then rushing to the site, I was overwhelmed seeing the condition of the car. Watching her do the paperwork was hard to watch. After everything was settled at the site, we went home to get cleaned up and rest. We decided that cooking wasn’t the best option for dinner, so we went to a nearby restaurant.
As we walked into the restaurant, the world was working and doing as it always does. Not one person in the restaurant knew that my loved one could have lost their life or be in critical condition. Life keeps moving forward as the frailty of life happens all around us. I wonder about all the people around me now and how the frailty of their own lives has scarred or overwhelmed them.
It is said, we don’t truly understand someone’s life until we walk in their shoes. Truthfully, we are unable to walk in their shoes. We can listen to their stories, which is a beautiful way to care, but we will never know their experience. Christ knows everyone’s story and desires for our story to be grafted into His. No one knows our stories as Christ does. He actually understands our stories better than we do.
There are two things to consider. First, there is a measure of grace for everyone. We have no idea why they are having a bad day. Even if someone is being spiteful, hateful, or just downright ugly…we don’t know how elements of their story formed and fashioned them. Grace has a way of allowing things to absorb things for us and help us keep our peace. It is by grace that we are rescued, therefore we shall live by that same grace through faith in the One who holds us together.
Second, living with God’s eye watching us in our frailty and the frailty of others reminds us that we need Him for the totality of our lives. Why should we wait for incidents to force this reality upon our lives? What if we just started there now? A healthy dependency on Him is the means of peace. He knew us in our mother’s womb and knows our last day – our lives are on Him. We really have no way to hold our lives together.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,… Psalm 8:3-4
If frailty has affected your life and you need a space to talk through the events of your experience, feel free to ask for a complimentary consultation to see if journeying together would help you work through your experience.