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Writer's pictureRob Schettler


He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season,

and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Psalm 1:3

This passage captures me. The first image is this magnificent tree. I love trees! I admire trees from all kinds of places like Blue River's massively anchored sycamore trees to the giant pine trees of Spokane, Washington, the Redwoods in Northern California, and the multi-color green landscape of the pine trees of Boundary waters on the Canadian border. They endure the seasons each year brings, the storms of the year, and the climate's fluctuations daily. At the same time, they are pointed to the sky, declaring His praise as if clapping their hands/branches to Him - I'm captured by their strength and beauty.

This describes a person who has stood the test of time throughout the years. This person produces fruit in their appointed seasons. For fruit to be produced all year would diminish the tree. It wasn't created to do so and neither are we. As a tree has rhythms of rest and rejuvenation so do we, but notice the leaves never wither. For the leaves to remain signifies the tree is healthy in its stages of producing and resting. This text is about our well-being and the source of its nourishment.

The last portion of the verse stalls me. "In all that he does, he prospers." What a great line for us to consider. The word "prosper" here isn't speaking about cash and things. Chasing cash and things causes great pangs in life and is an endless unfulfilling taskmaster.

The word "prosper" here, means wholeness, a fullness to one's life, meaning all areas of one's life are full. Wowza! I cannot imagine this feeling of satisfaction in life that nothing else could be added to make my life any better. There seems to be a contentment of overwhelming satisfaction in one's life. I have met such persons in my journey as a Chaplain. I stood amazed. Who doesn't want such a life? It seems impossible, but is it really? This is the promise describing the person that looks like such a tree. What makes the tree this type of tree is found in verse 2.

...but his delight is in the law of the LORD,

and on his law he meditates day and night.

Psalms 1:2

The tree (person) is established by what he delights and meditates on. The Word of God is our source of nutrients. This is a beautiful promise that is full of hope and life. To delight is to take joy in remembering the promises of God are for us. There are joys to be found between the covers of the Bible.

Meditating is saturation ~ to think upon or to dwell on the Word with my mind and heart. Peter states to Jesus, "Where would we go for you have the words of life." These transformative actions bear weight to what you and I can become and how we grow.

If these words are true, then wholeness awaits us. The journey with Christ moves us towards this wholeness by His grace. He desires this for each of us.

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Robert Fisher
Robert Fisher
Jun 27, 2023

"For fruit to be produced all year would diminish the tree. It wasn't created to do so and neither are we." I love this insight!

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