Spiritual Companionship
Spiritual companionship is coming alongside you, not leading the way, not hearing for you, but hearing with you how the Lord is leading your life. It is a journey with another following Christ.
As seekers, we experience doubts, fears, distance from God, and questions of faith that
don't have to be wrestled out alone. Faith and life can be a challenge for ministers, chaplains, church leaders, stay-at-home moms, etc... Syncing faith and life can be rough terrain. He promises us that He will never leave us...this means in our rough terrain, He is with us.
Imagine a refuge, shelter, a solace for us as seekers desiring to hear what the Lord is leading and saying to our lives. He walks with us daily. This work of companionship is about your spiritual journey and faith in and with Him. I desire to accompany you on your journey in a prayerful presence of hospitality and grace. The desire is to meet authentically and openly with Him each session according to Matthew 18:20.
Here you can have pastoral care sessions to share your journey openly with another.
A place to be heard, seen, and known.